Faculty Publications - College of Business and Economics (CBE)  

Faculty Publications

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Aslanyan, G., & Mariev, O. (2021) “PAYG Challenge for Preferential Migration.” Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, vol. 20, pp. 301–316., doi:10.1017/S147474722000013X.

Aslanyan, G., Baghdasaryan, V., & Shakhmuradyan, G. (2021). Armenia’s social policy response to Covid-19: Mitigating expectations, financial stress, and anxiety. Caucasian Analytical Digest, 119, pp. 3-10. doi:10.3929/ethz-b-000468546

Barseghyan G., Baghdasaryan V., (2018). Optimum currency area theory: evidence from post-Soviet countries and implications for Eurasian Economic Union. Post-Communist Economies.

Beglaryan, M., & Shakhmuradyan, G. (2020). The impact of COVID-19 on small and medium-sized enterprises in Armenia: Evidence from a labor force survey. Small Business International Review, 4(2), e298. https://doi.org/10.26784/sbir.v4i2.298

Bruno, O., & Khachatryan, K. (2011). Compulsory versus Voluntary Savings as Incentive Mechanism in Microlending Contracts. In 28e Journées Internationales d’Economie Monétaire. Link: https://www.rug.nl/research/globalisation-studies-groningen/research/conferencesandseminars/conferences/eumicrofinconf2011/papers/1a.khachatryan-bruno.pdf

Grigoryan A. and Ohanyan N., Measuring monetary policy: rules versus discretion. Empirical Economics, 2020.

Grigoryan, A., Khachatryan, K., & Ter-Matevosyan, V. (2018). Armenia-Turkey border opening: what determines the attitude of Armenians?. Caucasus Survey, 1-19.Link: https://doi.org/10.1080/23761199.2018.1499298.

Grigoryan, A. (2015). A model with indivisible investments in different environments. Armenian Economic Journal, Volume 1. Link: http://aea.am/journal.html.

Grigoryan, A. (2013). A model for anocracy. Journal of Income Distribution, Volume 23/1.

Gor Khachatryan and Aleksandr Grigoryan. Export growth dynamics and real exchange rate: Evidence from Armenia”. International Economic Journal, volume 34, pages 493–509. Routledge, 2020.

Khachatryan, K., Baghdasaryan, V., Hartarska, V. (2018), Is the model “loans-plus-savings” better for microfinance in Eastern Europe and Central Asia? A PSM comparison, Review of Development Economics, under review. EMN WP3.  Link: https://www.european-microfinance.org/publication/model-loans-plus-savings-better-microfinance-eca-psm-comparison

Khachatryan, K., & Avetisyan, E. (2017). Microfinance development in Armenia: Sectoral characteristics and problems. Strategic Change26(6), 575-584. Link: https://hal-audencia.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01695638/document

Khachatryan, K., Hartarska, V., & Grigoryan, A. (2017). Performance and Capital Structure of Microfinance Institutions in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Eastern European Economics55(5), 395-419. Link: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00128775.2017.1336064?casa_token=RAKnR1ByHmQAAAAA:j4696P0ZfxfAMfJSWFMgHQDfpzSnIwBxhhshOj8JKfsxL1sbIWO3zUTKkOOiBa2P7ufJNAoPD7CbC2c

Sullivan PW, Ghushchyan VH, Skoner DP, LeCocq J, Park S, Zeiger RS. Complications and Health Care Resource Utilization Associated with Systemic Corticosteroids in Children and Adolescents with Persistent Asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2020 Dec 5:S2213-2198(20)31272-1.

Sullivan PW, Kavati A, Ghushchyan VH, Lanz MJ, Ortiz B, Maselli DJ, LeCocq J. Impact of allergies on health-related quality of life in patients with asthma. J Asthma. 2020 Nov;57(11):1263-1272.

Sullivan PW, Lanz MJ, Ghushchyan VH, Kavati A, LeCocq J, Ortiz B, Maselli DJ. Healthcare resource utilization, expenditures, and productivity in patients with asthma with and without allergies. J Asthma. 2020 Sep;57(9):959-967.


Working Papers

Antinyan, A., Baghdasaryan, V., & Grigoryan, A. (2018). Social Preferences, Public Good Provision, Social Capital and Positional Concerns: Empirical Evidence from the South Caucasus. Social Capital and Positional Concerns: Empirical Evidence from the South Caucasus (September 1, 2018). CERGE-EI Working Paper Series, (625).

Baghdasaryan, V., Iannantuoni, G., & Maggian, V. (2018). Electoral fraud and voter turnout: An experimental study. European Journal of Political Economy. Link:http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2696203

Grigoryan, A., & Khachatryan, K. (2018). Remittances and Emigration Intentions: Evidence from Armenia. CERGE-EI Working Paper Series, (626).

Grigoryan, A., & Mukhopadhaya, P. (2018). Multidimensional poverty in Armenia. Forthcoming in ADB Economics WP Series, 2018.

Grigoryan A., & Baghdasaryan, V., (2017). Inclusive economic development in Armenia. Good Jobs for Inclusive Growth in Central and West Asia; ADB, 2015-2017. ADB Economics WP Series.

Grigoryan A., & Baghdasaryan, V., (2017). Employment and labor market policies in Armenia. Good Jobs for Inclusive Growth in Central and West Asia; ADB, 2015-2017. ADB Economics WP Series.

Baghdasaryan, V., & Manzoni, E. (2016). Set them (almost) free. Discretion in electoral campaigns under asymmetric information. Link: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers2.cfm?abstract_id=2885145

Grigoryan, A., Khachatryan, K., Disproportional regional development in Armenia: causes, consequences and policies, w/p.

Grigoryan, A., (2015). Migration and power. EERC WP 15-03E.

Grigoryan, A., (2014). First Thematic Paper: Sustainable and Strategic Decision Making in Mining (Armenia). World Bank WP 88467.


Other Publications

Grigoryan, A., (2015). Armenia: Income Gaps. World Policy Journal, 32(1): 3-11.

Grigoryan, A., (2015). Towards the Shared Vision on the Normalization of Armenian-Turkish Relations, CRRC, Yereven.

Grigoryan, A., (2013). The Impact of Mining Sector on Growth, Inequality, and Poverty: Evidence from Armenia.

Acopyan Center, AUA. Link: http://newsroom.aua.am/files/2013/04/mining grigoryan.pdf.

Khachatryan, K. Case studies (published in Business Studies, 2nd edition Cambridge, Stimpson, P. and Farquharson, A., translated into Armenian): Strategic choice of Vanadzor Armenia resort and SPA; Vanadzor Armenia resort and SPA: Health and hospitality services promotion; Business Communication at IDeA Foundation